Monthly Archives: August 2011

A prayer for Chloe

how do you pray for
a 4 year old
with cancer?

do you pray for
her parents
her doctors
or her?

do you pray for
or patience
or healing?

do you pray for
or courage
or normalcy?

is there normal
for a 4 year old
with cancer?

Chloe’s parents
are dear friends
friends whose physical distance
doesn’t change the closeness
we share

i can not attempt to say
i know what they are feeling,

but they have
so generously
shared what they are feeling –
and for that i am grateful

they have let me in
to their private pain
and allowed me
to be alongside

more than once this summer
i have found myself
weeping as i read their blog

more than once this summer
i have caught myself feeling frustrated
and then changing my frustration
to gratitude mixed
with a heavy heart

and my heart breaks
for Chloe

so i’m left
on my knees
earnestly praying
for wisdom and strength and courage
for Chloe and Kip and Christa
for her siblings and her doctors
for her medicine and her treatments
for comfort and faith and hope

for her healing

claiming 2 corinthians 4:16 as written by eugene peterson in the message:
“even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace.”

The end of summer

It’s the end of summer
and I feel a sense
of something


A little.


I enjoy the start
of a new school year

I like clean chalkboards
Sharp pencils
Empty notebooks

I like building community
Creating rituals
Establishing routines

There is something sacred
about a new group of students
unpacking who they are
discovering their needs
and then planning instruction
with my new knowledge
as a guide

I will miss
long lazy days
warmth and sunshine
unstructured time

But as I look forward
to this school year
I will focus on  my new students
keeping their learning as a priority

and keeping my summer memories
close to my heart